Artigos Científicos
Trabalhos "Publicados"
Acabei de ler mais um trabalho com minha participação na revista da FGM (, edição de julho de 2009, pág. 92 a 96, onde fui responsável pela parte do implante. Belo trabalho no todo e parabéns ao colega (apesar de novamente ter se esquecido de ao menos citar a equipe). Mesmo que em "geist", fico contente de ter minhas participações publicadas.
Ética e bioética
"Primum non nocere", signfica primeiro não prejudicar. Esta é uma das principais noções de bioética que todo profissional da saúde deve erguer acima de qualquer plano para que possa propor qualquer tipo de tratamento ao paciente. Ética e bioética também devem ser sempre norteadoras quando, no meio científico, utilizamos de todo ou parte do trabalho de outro pesquisador, cirurgião, enfim qualquer que seja, colaborador. Ninguém faz nada sozinho, e como no mínimo gratidão, é sempre correto ao menos citarmos as pessoas contribuidoras do trabalho original. Obrigado à mestranda Marcela, pelas contribuições nos questionamentos e ensinamentos sobre o tema.
Artigos Científicos - Clipping
Aos colegas e pacientes: Sempre baseamos as condutas em ciência de qualidade, qualquer abstração fora disto, no contexto clínico perde a segurança. Leia e descubra que biologia é maravilhosa, mas não existe segurança 100% (assim como um único trabalho não é 100% aplicável a todos os casos)- Confie em seu profissional que segue normas. Desconfie de quase milagres. Em breve, na seqüência, abstracts de artigos de revistas com alto qualis, com proservações de tratamentos, mostrando a segurança em Implantodontia e outras disciplinas em Odontologia.
Implantodontia - 2009
Implantodontia - 2009
1) No trabalho abaixo descrito temos uma revisão onde pode-se notar a importtância da espessura gengival na manutenção em longo prazo de níveis ósseos:
Linkevicius T, Apse P, Grybauskas S, Puisys A. The influence of soft tissue thickness on crestal bone changes around implants: a 1-year prospective controlled clinical trial. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2009;24(4):712-719.
In 19 patients, a total of 46 implants were placed either at bone level (control) or 2 mm supracrestally (test); tissue thickness was measured prior to implant placement and the implants assigned to two groups according to tissue thickness (thick and thin). After 1 year, mean bone loss was greater for test implants in the thin mucosa group than the thick mucosa group at both mesial and distal aspects. Mean mesial and distal bone loss for the control implants was not significantly different. Stability of the marginal bone may therefore be significantly influenced by the tissue thickness at the bone crest.
In 19 patients, a total of 46 implants were placed either at bone level (control) or 2 mm supracrestally (test); tissue thickness was measured prior to implant placement and the implants assigned to two groups according to tissue thickness (thick and thin). After 1 year, mean bone loss was greater for test implants in the thin mucosa group than the thick mucosa group at both mesial and distal aspects. Mean mesial and distal bone loss for the control implants was not significantly different. Stability of the marginal bone may therefore be significantly influenced by the tissue thickness at the bone crest.
2) Neste trabalho, os autores mostram a grande segurança com proservações de até 10 anos para tratamentos de edentulismo total inferior com overdentures apoiadas em 2 implantes de 3 importantes marcas comerciais:
Meijer HJA, Raghoebar GM, Batenburg RHK, Vissink A. Mandibular overdentures supported by two Brånemark, IMZ or ITI implants: a ten-year prospective randomized study. J Clin Periodontol 2009;36(9):799-806.
A total of 90 edentulous patients were treated with two ITI, IMZ or Brånemark implant each (30 patients per group) to support mandibular overdentures, with clinical and radiographic parameters assessed after 1, 5 and 10 years. 10-year implant survival rates were 100%, 98% and 93% for ITI, Brånemark and IMZ implants, respectively, and mean marginal bone loss was limited. Satisfaction and aftercare were similar in all groups. Mandibular overdentures supported by two implants is therefore a valid and reliable treatment technique for edentulous patients.
A total of 90 edentulous patients were treated with two ITI, IMZ or Brånemark implant each (30 patients per group) to support mandibular overdentures, with clinical and radiographic parameters assessed after 1, 5 and 10 years. 10-year implant survival rates were 100%, 98% and 93% for ITI, Brånemark and IMZ implants, respectively, and mean marginal bone loss was limited. Satisfaction and aftercare were similar in all groups. Mandibular overdentures supported by two implants is therefore a valid and reliable treatment technique for edentulous patients.
3) Aqui, temos uma avaliação da prevalência da perda de implantes e a influência de fatores associados:
Koldsland OC, Scheie AA, Aass AM. Prevalence of implant loss and the influence of associated factors. J Periodontol 2009;80(7):1069-1075.Clinical and radiographic examination was performed on a total of 109 volunteers (who had received 374 implants) available for examination, from 164 invited to participate. Mean time from implant loading to examination was 8.4 years. In 10 subjects, 18 implants were lost (4.8%) – 11 before loading, three in the first 5 years and four between 5 and 10 years. All late losses were preceded by an earlier loss. No implants were lost after 10 years. There was a significant association between implant loss and history of smoking and periodontitis.
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